Taking Action Where You Are

Have you ever wondered how groups of artist come to the surface all at the same time?
It's easy to feel like someone is sitting behind a curtain cultivating the next great group of artist and setting up ways for them to blow once people see their work.
While talking to some of my peers I have found that everyone wants the same thing... Attention!
The issue everyone runs into is that nobody ever turns up to their events and their promotions fall flat.
People typically show up to things when they feel they are a part of a cause, it is something fresh, popular or new.
Getting people to support you is as easy as opening your mouth about it to the people you see most often. It isn't hard to get friends to come to a BBQ or a backyard show because there is something there for them. If you invite them to a show where you are an opening act they don't listen to, they tend to come and watch you perform and then they leave.
It is a poor practice of fans, but it is all too common. The older you get in the scene the less often your friends are willing to hang out late to mingle and make new friends with you. So there are a few things to help you get your support off the ground.
1. Find people who have similar interest as you...
It doesn't matter who you are, if you have the greatest talent in the world and keep it hidden behind doors nobody is ever going to find it.
When you figure out what you are trying to do, go be a part of events with people of the same interest.
If you are trying to become a promoter or an artist, go to shows of promoters in your area and hang out, mingle and talk to people who are performing and be yourself.
A kiss ass is usually thanked and ignored, but someone who seems genuinely interested is usually embraced with conversation and ends up getting invited to the after parties and social events. Be social not annoying.
This gets you where you need to be. Your friends aren't artist and they don't their passions are not your passions so it is important to find people who are in the same lane as you in order to grow that part of your life.
2. Start a meet-up or session time with your network that meets bi-weekly.
Once you have a group of friends or a network collective it is time to get active. If you are a song writer and you want to get involved in collaborations then you have to set the foundation for it to flourish. If you have the option to join another group and not lead thats fine too, what is most important is being involved in something consistent.
You will find that creating the base of what you want to do that others will want to join because they were waiting for someone wit the same intentions. This is a great opportunity to grow and show.
Use what your resources. It is important to show you have something to bring to the table so people can take you serious. If you are always riding someone else's wave how are we supposed to follow you?
3. Go with the flow.
When you are with your group, Let it grow.
You can't always expect that things are going to go as planned. So don't assume because you set up a meet up that things are instantly going to go where you want them too.
The goal of the meet up is to have foundation and a place to harvest the team you need (Organically). If you have too much control over a situation it can choke the creativity of building the community you so desire.
4. Be flexible.
Just like it is important to stretch, It is important to flex stretch your mind. One thing you will find is that no matter how often you do something or you are educated in a topic someone will always have another point of view. Adopting a view from another person isn't making your knowledge less valuable. In fact, it adds value.
When you have meet a new point of view that challenges you, ask questions. It is an easy way to understand something that challenges you from the point of view of someone who may have a different understanding of what you know. This way you are informed of other theories o r practices in the area of interest you are in.
I know that it is hard to agree with some people sometimes, so if you find yourself conflicted even after their explanation learn to agree to disagree. Loosing all of the networking and opportunities provided by the group isn't worth loosing over a technique some dude came up with 15 years ago. Find a compromise or drop it all together.
5. Always do your part
I am going to leave this here...
Team work makes the dream work.
Thank you for reading my blog.
I am aspiring to create content that evokes emotions and inspires (or makes you vibe hard).
If you you could show some love and follow me on Spotify I would be forever grateful.
You can listen to my singles on